
When the grandchildren were very young, and each year we had a family Christmas here, Gordon got into the habit of going to B&Q at the very last minute, when they were selling off the real tacky stuff. And he bought each year at cut-price, one of these awful singing, dancing figures. The children loved them, as they learnt to set them off over and over again, much to the annoyance of adults . . . and dogs.  

We have just found a box of them and I thought this one was appropriate for a blip today (no, I didn't need to set it off as I know full well what she sings!):

Oh! The weather outside is frightful . . . 

. . . certainly is. We have had gales and and rain all day, I don't know whether it is freezing rain and I have no intention of going outside to check.

And I am not sure I agree with:

Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!

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