Eye eye

Little Abie came to Little Aths this morning. Lots of kids running around; we're trying to desensitise him to children and other goings on. He was pretty good, but a little over-stimulated at times. Little Miss and I took him away from all the goings on for a quick walk.

Then we got to cleaning out the spare room. So much stuff we don't use or even look at; it's all got to go. I was feeling pretty ruthless today, so felt it a good time to attack it before my parents' arrival at the end of the month.

I got Abe to pose for me after I'd weeded the garden. I just love his eyes; they're so different from Cousteau's but soulful in their own way.

Mr B and Little Miss are watching Wonder Woman. I've seen it before so think I might retire with a book and a cup of tea.


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