Life through the lens...

By ValC

A welcome burst of sunlight.

Woke to a glorious morning.
Such a change from yesterday.

Now getting ready for the family who will be arriving later.
MrC has just finished peeling the mountain of potatoes.
Now making a cup of coffee before I start on the sprouts. ( 50) Our family love sprouts!
Trifle to finish off, and chocolate log to decorate.
Stuffing balls and pigs in blankets all ready for the oven, as well as the capon.
Sarah will be bringing the starter. Another tradition. Lettuce “cups” filled with crab and prawns in a delicious spicy chilli mayonnaise.

Strictly was fabulous last night.
We thought Fay and Giovanni did the best show dance, although were happy that Kevin and Stacey won.

Christmas Cracker Advent Joke No.16

Why does Santa have three gardens?

So that he can ‘ho ‘ ho ‘ho !

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