Mono Monday: Week 256 .......

..... Game.

Anyone for a game of soccer?!?  Or is it football?!?

I have added a couple of extras because I have some to use by the end of the month!  And why not!  I still have enough extras to post one almost every day until the end of the year. 

Extra #1 is an outtake from this morning ... also processed in mono.  The game balls in this photo are a basketball and a baseball.  The other extra is the color version of my main blip!

So .... this finally brings me up to date on my journal .... back blips start here.  As usual I have gotten far behind .... this time of year it's hard to keep up with things! Especially all things blip related ... including visiting all your wonderful journals.  

But I will have to be better as I am the host for Tiny Tuesday in January! The first week's theme is open and I'm in the process of coming up with the other themes for the month.  I will keep you posted ....

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