Tang at Sandsayre Pier

It still remains windy, with gales picking up again tonight.  A dull and overcast day, with the odd shower.

I've been working in the museum office all day, and getting through plenty of orders in time for Christmas.  I've also been working in the pub after tea, and a quiet night.  Mam and dad popped by after my shift, for a cuppa and yarn.  Quick breezy walk with Sammy, and then feet up for the night. 

It was raining in Lerwick when I went for lunch, so I headed down the road for a walk, and it stayed dry for me.  I had been on the lookout for any damage from Storm Diana, but nothing too obvious.  There certainly was plenty of waar and tang (seaweed) washed up.  Taken at Sandsayre pier, looking up to Leebitten, Sandwick. 

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