
There is a very gently scene happening outside our window tonight. We made it to Young in good time and were very happy to collect the 5kg box of premium cherries from our favourite supplier. I nearly fell over when I realised they had only cost us $10 per kilo. this is about a quarter of the price that is charged in the supermarkets at Christmas time. Buying the cherries is becoming a bit of a tradition when we drive to Melbourne for Christmas. We decided to stay outside of town tonight and booked into a motel that 59 recommended to us. The owner very kindly put us in a room with a view across a property with beautiful Alpacas and horses grazing in the field. It was such a peaceful and happy scene. We will head off early tomorrow morning with the historic town of Beechworth as our destination.

I was thrilled with the reaction from Bill the engineer when I handed him the photo album of images from the year 2000 when he and his dad Doug constructed the major infrastructure for the house at Wombat Hollow. I had the impression that they are very happy to be returning to assist us with the modifications that will enable us to live there for many years to come. So now its off to bed for a good nights sleep so that we can safely drive the next part of our journey. I just wish I could share those cherries with you :)

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