Santa Please Stop Here

We left home at 7 a.m. to travel to our daughter's in Doncaster … it was eldest granddaughter’s Nativity play at school (she was playing an angel) and Mrs madwill was going along to see whilst I looked after the youngest. We got there just before 8 a.m. - perfect for breakfast.

Little one was as good as gold whilst they were out.. and when they got back from school our daughter had a job for me to do - to fit a vertical blind in the playroom. Took a while to sort it out..

Whilst I was doing that someone broke one of the baby gates - so we had to go across town to get a new one…that was fun in the traffic. Got it back home and I removed the old one and fitted the new one.

Home by 5 p.m. and then I had to take Finlay for a walk. Snapped this motor home parked on someone's drive with all the Christmas decorations fixed to the back.

May be some beer refreshments this evening….

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