
By NellieD

Where's my bed!

So today has been a very long day. I was at the food bank at 8.30 am for their biggest day of the year, Christmas Distribution Day.

I often walk past the bicycle garage but it's always open by the time I'm passing. I've never seen the shutters down and I loved this colourful, cheery image - so much nicer than a plain shutter. Blip sorted, 8.15 am - tick!

Despite 24 volunteers working in such a small space, so many women came through the door and almost 60 children will now have 10 gifts each at Christmas, for some it will be the only presents they will receive. It was a full-on, physical, emotional day!

Our celebrity ambassador from Coronation Street came along and brought another actress from the Street. So many women came in the door, head slightly down and not knowing what to expect, but leaving with bags of food and presents, singing songs and laughing with two people off the telly.

For me, this was the true spirit of Christmas, people smiling and leaving with hope in their hearts.

Poem for today:

An ode to Emmeline’s Pantry by NellieD
Emmeline’s Pantry, what a fantastic place
Every single day they put a smile on a face
It’s a place full of hope with shelves full of food
The women who run it, they’re an amazing brood
Although it’s quite small, it’s stacked high with love
Compassion and choice always go hand in glove
Some people are struggling now that times are tough
Life can be hard and sometimes quite rough
At some point in life, we might all need a hand
A shoulder to lean on, helping us stand
When you’re in the shop please have a look round
Every item helps and there’s lots for a pound
A tin of tomatoes and a big bag of rice
Cereals and pasta, perhaps cake by the slice
Coffee, sugar and maybe different types of teas
Tins of tuna, custard and don’t forget mushy peas!  
Perhaps you could buy some extra baked beans
Or have a big clear-out and donate those tight jeans
Toiletries are helpful and the stuff to wash clothes
Deodorants and shower gel, everything goes
And don’t forget the babies, they need wipes for their bums
Nappies and rattles and food for their tums
Imagine last year, a Christmas without toys
Can you picture the faces of those girls and those boys?
But thanks to the supporters who give something back
Santa visited them all with gifts in his sack
The mums received pyjamas so they weren’t forgotten
Wrapped up nice and warm in fleece and brushed cotton
Be kind where you can and buy food if you’re able
You’re helping a mother to put a meal on the table
However, it’s not just about food on a plate
It’s showing people support to help them feel great
At the start of a new year, there’s so much you can do
Volunteer, donate or organise a sponsored brew
And finally to the volunteers, for all the things that you do
We send you our love and a massive thank you!

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