Bin day

The hills were bathed in sunshine today, plus some heavy showers. The light was occasionally magical and occasionally not there at all.

Poppydog and I met up with a friend and her wonderful rescue Hungarian Vizsla, Bea, for a walk and a natter and then lunch and more natter. Time flies when you're with interesting people and my intention to blip Bea (who was so beautiful and coordinated with the warm wood of the pub floor rather nicely) fell by the wayside. Another time.

A final shopping trip (I hope) mainly for the ingredients for a pudding post Christmas as I don't want to go out any more than absolutely necessary. And again, my unintentional lateness actually did me a huge favour as most sensiblefolk were already done and dusted.

Watched a documentary about the Festival of Carols from Kings College, Cambridge - a seasonal Christmas Eve 'must-listen' since I was little. I don't think I've any hope of ever attending it live though unless I am prepared to queue for too many hours than I can countenance.

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