
By Rei_Miller

The shortest day of the year • Найкоротший день

Kolomija (Kolomea), Ukraine | Konica Minolta Dynax 5D.

Today is the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. We celebrate the Winter Solstice, it's our family holiday. In essence, this is the same custom as the celebration of Ukrainian Christmas, but on another day — according to the astronomical calendar :)

On Winter Solstice Eve (=Christmas Eve) we switch »Christmas« Lights. We gather at festive table (Holy meal — ukr. <Sviata vecheria>), but we don't serve traditional 12 dishes, because we don't think that this is very important. We just eat our favorite food. Of course, we light candles, we sing ancient carols-<koliadka>.
I was lucky today: I saw the little car ZAZ 965 again (see 2018-12-18), the same one! This shot is among the extra photos :)

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