Not the Big Picture

On our way into the wilds of Whatcom County today on Phil's beer hunt, I thought to myself that perhaps I might be able to post a beautiful scenic vista, something larger in scope than my usual photos -- but instead, I found myself attracted again and again to tiny things around me. (I think there's something deep in my soul that is drawn to details, which perhaps explains why I loved my three-decade career as an editor and writer so much.)

Leaning over an old stone wall to photograph a view of the Nooksack River, I found myself more interested in what was on the wall, including these enchanting goblet lichen (Cladonia fimbriata, also found in the UK).

The rushing water in Thompson Creek and the colors of the plants around it were very pretty - but the almost macabre plant that stars in my blip today, just a few steps away from the creek, held my attention far more firmly.

It wasn't until I was home and reviewing my photos that I discovered that the plant did not die alone - and seemed to be laughing about that.

I don't pine for mountain vistas when there are worlds like these to explore!

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