A Monkey's Tale

By MonkeyWithAView

50 Shades of Grey.. The Revised Edition

The caption competition!?.. well, of sorts.

I will bless this beautiful blip with some witty words later on tonight, will all the moving over the weekend & no reliable t'internet connection, it's all been a bit difficult. I have to apologise too for not getting back to any blippers kind comments as well, normal service will be resumed soon I hope. For now, I will leave you to ponder on the goings on in this shot & challenge to possibly come up with a humorous caption or two if you're feeling adventurous...

[Later on in the day] Well here goes, transporting myself back to today's date. So yes, Jen, Monkey & myself moved into our new flat & as you can tell, Jenny wasted no time & got straight on with assembling the chest of drawers in our new chocolate brown bedroom furniture set. It's looking good! This was after we spent the day unpacking our kitchen paraphernalia into the cupboards & drawers, received another 'van' load from our fantastic friends from Croydon, including another double bed (I say another but the second half of the base of our new one has still not arrived & doesn't look to anytime soon), a microwave & some bed side table units, & popped back home to finish of our packing & lug back to the flat two more car loads. It's amazing Jen still had the energy frankly.

In the fallout of I'm A Celebrity ending & the resulting shock & sadness, we managed to catch up with a few episodes of the Killing III, which I must say is very good. The first series I enjoyed immensely, so engaging & dark, & so any chance to get a bit more Sara Lund & her Fair Isle Jumpers action is always welcome.

A rather knackering but successful weekend comes to a close. Work's looking like quite a nice, ordinary option tomorrow.. no, I didn't mean that.

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