A Monkey's Tale

By MonkeyWithAView

Two Peas In A Pod!

..Don't you think!?

We had our first visitor to our little pad this evening. Our good friend Brommers pootled over from our old town of Uck to bless us with his presence.

I rustled up one of my crackin, classic Uni chilli's accompanied by Gok's perfectly done white rice. Jenny finished off the chest of drawers which I must admit looks very professionally done & quite classy.. I think it will suit us very well, obviously when we are not sleeping rough in the living room (still nothing by way of an update from the bed delivery people, despite Jen calling them 3 times today. It's not cool. They simply have no idea what's happened to the other half of the base of our bed. Brilliant). And Brom chilled whilst Monkey entertained.

After chests & drawers had been assembled, & (too) much chilli had been consumed (me of course), we settled down to watch Ted, a very funny film from the makers of Family Guy, which is apparent throughout 'cos of it's particular style, but nevertheless it's still great watch.

A very nice evening which marks only our third day in our new flat! We cannot wait to get our stuff sorted & things in some sort of order.

But in the mean time, to bed.

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