I Don't Like Double Standards .

Today I traveled to Karl Marx Straße and Karl Marx Platz .
Reason being I've found a wonderful collective and vegan food shop . Amazing ranges and a cafe. Called Dr Pogo it's going to be my regular food shop spot. Have the UBahn so  pretty easy.
Next door there's a book shop with an apt name .Walking back to the UBahn there was this huge halal butchers . I took the shot thinking their choice . Speaking to a pal a short while ago it seems the British press has  a lot to say about Japan using whale meat and Iceland fishing for it . Why is a whale special compared to a cow , turkey, chicken, lamb,pig ? Millions of these are slaughtered each day and some by extra brutal halal methods .
I'm not saying all should go vegan. Just let's avoid double standards .If it lives and is killed brutally it's the same be it here or elsewhere .These are my own reflections on this disturbing scene and news .

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