My topsy-turvy life

By Rathmandu

Ben Folds Five

Went to see the Ben Folds Five gig at the Academy in Birmingham with Rich, Stacebob, and Stoif. We all had a great time, but I feel like I've not been to enough gigs this year, although I have now been to two this week.

Gigs like this, where bands have reformed after a few years -last time they played Birmingham was apparently 14 years ago- seem to attract a bit of a strange crowd. There were some hard-core fans, some youngsters there for a night out, people who are obviously gig regulars, and then there were plenty of people that were probably young gig regulars all those 14 years ago...

A few more people wearing glasses, expanding waistlines, beer bellies -women as well as men-, a few receding hairlines, wrinkles, sensible shoes and winter clothing...and a lot of people looking quite tired by the end of the 2 hour plus set.

Which group do I fall into? I'm not sure that I really want think about it.

I was trying to get a shot here with all three members of the band in it.
-and it just happens to be pretty much in focus too.
Ben Folds Five meet the Fraggles
A great song from more than 14 years ago

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