My topsy-turvy life

By Rathmandu

You shall not pass

Didn't really do a lot today, partly because I was gearing myself up for my night shift. Around lunchtime I decided that I should really leave the house and so headed off into town in search of a copy of the last ever issue of the Dandy...apparently I wasn't the only one! Never have so many adults been seen perusing the children's comic section of newsagent's shops up and down the country.

As I was walking around town I took a route through Victoria Park and noticed these lion's heads holding the chains that mark out the path and stop you losing complete control, leaving said path, and hurtling down the bank with no heed for your safety into the river below.
I'm not sure what the lions would do if you just stepped over the chain...

Oh and I never did manage to find a copy of Desperate Dan's last stand.

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