
It’s such a shame that the Queen does not send telegrams to flowers that beat the odds of dying within a normal timescale. This white chrysanthemum is one of three in the bunch of flowers given to me by Grandson Seb on 26th November, which makes its stay with me 4 weeks tomorrow. I’m hoping it will survive until Boxing Day at least, but that might depend on my checking the water in the vase.

For someone who is not particularly partial to coffee I have outshone myself in drinking it today. There was an early morning coffee and toast with David in Bruntsfield as I handed over a Christmas cake to him and coffee with Daughter #1 at home as she handed over bottles of alcohol to me ( to be distributed, may I add!) and yet another quick cup as I delivered a birthday card to a school friend who has the misfortune to have a birthday on Christmas Day.

The caffeine ingested has propelled me from the comfort of reading the Sunday papers in my chair to make the soup for Christmas Day after sourcing watercress and wild rocket.

And so, only 2 more nights of insomnia before Santa looks for my chimney. I hope he brings the sleeping pills!

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