Spot the Dug

Spot the Dalmatian is moving out of the Dower House to a new home very soon. He has lived with His Lordship for probably 50 years, so he is no puppy.

He came into my life 22 years ago, living with us in the old castle before moving into the Dower House 8 years ago. Content to stand in a corner, he has asked for and received nothing but the odd pat on the head and a tickle round his paws with a duster from me; no walkies, no feeding, no barking or whining just peaceful contemplation of the scene around him.

Now that his master is no more I have decided it is right that he should live with my stepdaughter. I will be sorry to see him go, but I know he will be happy in his new home, although I do hope he doesn’t die of a broken heart in transit.

You will see from the blip that a night or two in the airing cupboard worked wonders on the cyclamen that pretended to die last week. It did lose a few leaves but decided to give living a go. Thank you for all your suggestions on caring for it. If only it would take a word of advice from the Amthurium plant beside it in the blip. It gives me no trouble at all.

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