My Eight a Day

Here you see my supper for the next few days...... well........minus the mince pies and full fat Greek yogurt for dessert. The latter make up in calories what are healthily missing in the vegetable curry.

I was seduced by the bag of onions, carrots,turnip and parsnip selling in Lidl for £1. To this I added some sweet potato and butter nut squash from the bottom of the fridge, plus a large handful of quorn pieces , tins of chickpeas and tomatoes and liberal quantities of spices, turmeric, coriander and cumin. Every time I make this dish, it tastes different which makes it a kind of “sook it and see” experience each time.

There was some sort of victory with the energy company this afternoon when I saw that while being £60 in credit they were increasing my bill by 41% for the next 8 months. Miraculously I got through on the phone to a human being in the company with no interlude Muzak and enacted the poor widow scenario, managing to convince him my energy bills were going to be drastically less than last year as there was no HL feeling chilly wanting the central heating on, and I had also invested in polar clothing including Eskimo furs in which to sit out the winter. He reduced my existing payments by 20%. Result!

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