Alternative Destination

What’s the point in spending a lot of money to sit on a deckchair on a sandy beach beside azure waters when you can take your ease on a pavement in a city centre and watch the world go by at a farmer’s market?
Well maybe the point is you can do it without having to wear a winter coat when the temperature is barely above freezing and you can skip over warm sand to cool off in the azure waters.
Still it is what it is and this gentleman and the little girl seemed very happy to take time out amidst the bustle of the last Castle Terrace market of 2019.

I braved the city centre to take presents to daughter#1 as she manned an art gallery in Dundas Street. The crowds were thick in Princes Street and surrounding thoroughfares. Apart from the Christmas Market scenario, workers were busy erecting street furniture for the New Year bonanza when the city centre will be claimed entirely for the tourists.

Having spent an hour wrapping presents (how I hate that task), I decided to reward myself by going to the adjacent wine bar to redeem my voucher for a free gin and tonic kindly given out to the neighbours when the bar opened. It takes a little bit of courage to sit by yourself drinking but hey, faint heart never won fair lady!

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