Season's Greetings

Not where I expected to see them it must be said.

When I got up the clouds looked like this is what they looked like.
However, I took the picture an hour later as we left the house ……. there had been no movement in the clouds so it must have been as still up there as it was down here.
As we turned down the hill looking towards the valley and the river Forth beyond I had to stop and take a (very poor) picture of the fog. Just a shame I didn't have a long enough lens to do it justice.
I was hoping to get the opportunity to head towards South Queensferry to get some better shots - but the 5 minute trip to the shop for half a dozen items turned into an hour and a half and 3 shops.
Needless to say the climatic conditions had changed over the Forth by that point although while waiting outside each of the shops there were still wispy clouds above us.

So it was home and a session of gift wrapping and some musical entertainment on the TV.

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