RSD Photo's SoCal Life

By rsdphotography

Beach Closed

I thought I was back in Southern California today. Overnight a huge television set was constructed on Playa La Ropa for a show called Hoy. Unlike SoCal where all us gawkers watch just out of camera range, this set closed off a good portion of our beach and forbade any kind of travel behind the taping (that is what the hand-lettered sign on the barricade says). Not a big deal early in the morning, except for the walkers/runners who typically populate the beach in the post-dawn hours, but became a huge deal, to me anyway, when I couldn't get to the volleyball court four hours later. This was after we were originally told the beach would only be closed two hours. The show eventually finished and all trace of the multiple sets was gone in a little over an hour. Again, very California like.

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