
During the day Rose came to visit and we ate Jan's delicious baking. Later in the evening we had a long video call with Kjell, while I baked.
OK, all the rest of this text is about my time with sourdough starter and bread so if you've got a lot to do you could stop here!
A few days ago I decided to bake some sourdough bread. This was no simple task as my sourdough starter had been sitting in the fridge, unloved, for a few months. (Rejuvenation!) I tipped the ominous looking liquid away from the top and the mixture seemed to smell OK, so I took half of it, added some water and flour and left it overnight. In the morning there were lots of bubbles! Over the next couple of days I fed it twice a day. First total neglect, then love, love, love. My sourdough will probably need therapy after this!
Last night I started the actual bread and finished the mixing this morning. It rose nicely through the day so I tipped it into three tins and a bowl (inset). By early evening it was almost ready to bake when we popped down to the shops. Half way there a light bulb lit up in my brain - I'd not put any salt in my bread!!!!
Back home I had to tip everything back onto the baking board, add 50g of salt and knead it into the dough. Back into the tins and bowl and wait another two hours for it to rise again.
Warm the oven, and my new ceramic pizza "stone", as hot as it would go (about 280°C). When everything was sizzling hot take the "stone" out of the oven and tip the bowl of dough onto the stone! I managed that without touching the hot stone with my hands, or with the plastic bowl I was using, but I did miss the center of the stone and have to prod the mix into the middle. Back into the hot oven and finally throw in a cup  of water to generate a bit of steam.
Once I established the dough wasn't running off the edge of the stone, I added the three filled baking tins, turned the oven down to 220°C, and left it all to bake.
Everything went well, and before the evening was over half a loaf had been eaten (thank goodness I remembered the salt)!  Once it had all cooled I took it down to the freezer. We'll be eating it over Christmas with various visitors.
And that's why I didn't get to bed until 1 in the morning, and why this blip is a day late!

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