The Christmas Mouse.

Happy Christmas Eve eve!

This little mechanical and musical mouse comes out every Christmas and goodness knows how it keeps going! It cost next to nothing years ago and with new batteries off it goes each Christmas amusing children and adults alike!

Preparations continue but we now now that sadly Great Granny Tbay will not be with us for Christmas. Her chest infection continues to cause concerns and she is on her third lot of antibiotics. It has been decided that she is better off staying where she is rather than doing the two hour journey to us which even she felt would be too much. So we are a man down. It will seem strange without her as she has been a regular Christmas visitor for years.

Farming - Busy with the compost hauling before the brief Christmas break.

This afternoon the Mr Tbays plus myself and the children all attended Puxton Churches Christmas Carol Service. The Church looked lovely and there was a full house too. Harry had a marvellous time climbing what ever he could and getting into the swing of things. Little Miss enjoyed herself too!

Then home for a nice cup of tea and a quiet evening!

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