Christmas Eve.

Little Miss has an early present today in the form of a new hacking jacket. The jacket is just lovely but the pink tutu , stripped tights etc maybe don’t do it justice! However this ensemble was her choice of outfit today!

We had a call first thing from Mr Tbays brother to say Great Granny was still not at all well. After a doctors visit it was decided to transfer her to a close by nursing home where she will have 24 hr care. This was dealt with by his brother and family. We were unable to do anything to help being so far away, but it has been a difficult day for them. However Granny is now safely installed and doing a little better.

By the end of this evening all is ready for tomorrow. As we always do we gathered at Mr Tbay Jnrs house for our traditional supper of fish pie and a glass or two of wine.

Wishing you a very special Christmas with your families where ever you are.

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