A lazy day

When I left my sister's house yesterday, I wasn't wearing my glasses.  I drove to Safeway without them, and didn't realize they weren't on my face until I'd been in the store about 15 minutes.  Fortunately I didn't have a road accident, and I picked them up today.  But it's scary to think that I was driving without my glasses - my vision's good enough that I often don't wear them at home, but I would never deliberately drive without them.  I have to pay closer attention.

Otherwise Minkelina and I didn't do very much today.  When she wasn't sitting on my lap, she was sitting on the window sill in the sunshine.  I did a little housework, but mostly a lot of nothing.

It looks as if this good weather may hold through tomorrow, so Christmas eve and day should be dry, if cold.  I hope that all of you who celebrate Christmas will have a joyful time with family and friends, and use this happiness to steel yourselves for what lies ahead in the new year.

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