Boxing Day beach run

The children were still chatting and giggling in their rooms at 9.30pm last night. We all had a go at settling them down - Thomas likes his sleep and was ready to settle, but oh not James his 4 year old brother. He said “Granny, we need to have a conversation. When are you taking me to to the puffin islands? Because I MAYBE will promise to be good. And a bird got its wing bitten by a seal. And, and, and, Daddy and I fixed it with our super glue. But it still couldn’t fly and all its friends had gone away and it’s very sad. So can we go?”

Eventually it was all quiet but he was awake again at 6.15 and told in no uncertain terms by his mum to play with his toys QUIETLY.

Ella joined us in our bed at 7.15. After a hearty breakfast we went to the beach where the children had fun. Nathaniel made friends with a dog and spent ages throwing its ball in the sea. Thomas and Ella defied the waves. James threw stones into rock pools. Ella’s dad organised a race along the beach, pictured by Mr C. I didn’t do too well on my crutch.

We’ve had such a lovely 2 days. #2 daughter did so well hosting her first Christmas I think we can safely pass on the responsibility to her. Whop whoop! I never thought having a broken ankle could bring me joy!

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