
Very relaxed day. Trifle for breakfast, naturally, then chatted to K as she prepped food for later, set up my oil burner thing and drank tea. P phoned....he’s not going to make it today either. Seems he feels he has too much on his plate to come away and doesn’t like leaving Diesel on his own. I’ll just let him be if he wants to stay quiet and we’ll see him another day.
Nipped out for milk and bread then home and I read my new books then A&N round and we chatted and set out (more!) food for when Mt&H arrived with the littlies. Presents again....and then played with the games they got and ate and drank and chatted some more. T arrived with yet more presents and we all talked and drank and ate yet more. What slobs...really need to get out and walk a bit!
Watched some old films, did jigsaws and chatted all evening....classic Boxing Day

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