The End of an Era

When Mr K's first wife foolishly left him he went out the next day and bought a 40" plasma TV and a Land Rover Discovery.
So her departure was lucky for me on three counts!!
The car has served us well - it's done 134,000 miles, taking us on countless outings and holidays - up mountains, through floods, ice and snow; carried the ridiculous amounts of stuff that little people seem to need; kept my bottom warm with lovely heated seats.....
But it's cost a lot. And is starting to cost more as it gets older.
So it's been sold.
I haven't driven it for a couple of months as Mr K turfed me out of it has been driving it so I didn't think I'd feel its loss so much.
This morning as I skidded and prayed my way to school, along icy roads (which I used to think were lovely and winding and picturesque and I now think are deadly and perilous!) I missed it. For the first time ever driving with my kids in the car I felt nervous.
Oh well, needs must. It's being picked up on Saturday. And I thought it looked pretty in the sun this morning!
Ha ha, it's pretty and it keeps my bum warm!!! I'm the sort of person who gives 4x4 drivers a bad name!!!

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