Fox hunting

The British Disease is well & thriving. Indeed in outstandingly good form. The Boxing Day Fox Hunt scrums took place as they have done for decades. I suspect the hunt and anti-hunt fractions are on first name terms and raise a glass of sherry to each other before they set off.
The Daily Express is suggesting the EU - well Sweden actually - is responsible for the Beast from the EU East v. 2.0, which is about to "Shock" the British Isles. Norway has been cleared of fault so long as there may be a chance of having to go for a Norway +-+/+-* Deal.
And the latest research report that UK Blacks, Asians and ethnic minorities are being underpaid £3.2 billion a year - almost enough to pay the EU annual fee. What a shock horror revelation in one of the worst racialist countries in the world (the USA probably beats the UK on absolute numbers but probably not on %). And just as bad, the UK is probably the last surviving full-time practitioner of the “noble class” structure.

You won’t find it on any English Wikipedia page about the true English hero George Stephenson and his railway triumphs which the aristocracy and their elite in  Parliament constantly sought to stop and largely because he was a humble dialect speaking Northerner who couldn’t know anything useful. I wish this German made TV documentary was available in English. I suspect most would be shocked.

And in another documentary in the series, you will see that Marconi didn't fare better - b***** Italian Mafioso immigrant. Strangely when his invention worked and was a success, he was allowed to marry a member of the English aristocracy. And the invention that saved the lives of hundreds of people from the British Catholic Northern Ireland built steamer, Titanic, was hailed another Great British Invention.

After all, the referendum was only won on elitism, bigotry and racialism:
"Me? Never. No. I voted Leave as I believe the high-frequency beams from the European Galileo System will cause great danger to the sterility rate of the Lesser Dartford Mudflats Warbler. Sperm counts have been shown to be decreasing at alarming levels since 1973 which clearly shows it to be caused by the EU." 
Sky News showed a special report on the state of the Un-United Kingdom today - from Birmingham, to Holyhead, to Dublin, Belfast, Scotland and probably more but I switched off:
The scene; a middle size Birmingham engineering business making car parts for the UK & Europe. Boss sends out a letter to his couple of hundred employees pre Referendum saying Leave would endanger the business. Fast forward to December 2018. Boss says he will have to move half production to a Euro country if hard Brexit. 55-year-old shop floor employee: " I voted Leave anyway" - "Why?" - "Because of what Boris put on that bus, NHS and that" - "And now?" "Well, I don't listen to the boss's advice".
Down the road in Holyhead with 80% of Irish trucks heading to continental Europe, a 40-year-old port worker "No I'm not changing my mind. Leave it is. Britain was Great before we joined the EU and we can be Great again" You can only cry but can't really blame him. He was born into the EU and spent all his life in it. He hasn't got a clue just how pathetic Britain was before it joined the EU. Shame on my generation for telling him the lies.
How long has the UK been arguing about fox hunting? For God's sake! Sorry - Allah's Sake, God gave up two years ago. I can hear the screams from the hunting lobby saying the very undemocratic free vote of 2003, with a 208 MP majority, was rigged and the only rightful way to reverse it is a new vote with a strict Tory Whip after the DUP have been given a £million or two and Labour are away on a party conference. I will bet a jar of my sugar-tax-free honey that every fox hunting supporter is a Leave voter and strictly against a second undemocratic referendum.
Today, shortly after we left the house, I spotted our local fox having a stroll over the partly frozen meadows. Thought I would give him a scare now that we have 5 new chickens. Sent Luna after him and he didn’t spot her until she was about 20m away. He quickly dived into the hut on the photo. On the left is Luna and you can possibly just make out the fox close to the right corner of the shed.  The camera was on full zoom and I have checked the difference on Google Earth – 300m (326 yds). Have a look on the Satellite version of the Geotag map. As soon as Mr Fox was indoors, Luna turned and returned to me. Old Flash was an ace at chasing foxes off the property and Luna only seemed to know how to chase off crows, rooks and ravens, so I was very pleased with her work. Excellent. Both dogs knew the difference between foxes and deer, the latter being allowed to graze with the horses.
We moved on and when crossing a stream I thought I would take a look at the beaver reservoir there. Busy, busy - see extra photo. It’s a spot owned by the State Forestry and right next to a beekeeper’s very large enclosure with once loads of linden trees he had especially planted for the honey – most now gone but by law he has to swallow the loss. The beaver is protected. The State Forestry isn’t enamoured either but agrees so long as this is the only spot.
As we turned to leave I saw a deer about 20m away and it looked up  - my heart stopped. It was just 5m from the fast road and the scene of multiple collisions a year. Because of the stream, it only had one escape route and that was to cross the road. Luckily today Bavaria remains largely asleep and I deliberately took a step towards it at the moment I couldn’t hear a car coming.
Back home discovered a mole had dug a huge mountain of soil up and over one of the wings of our very heavy wrought iron entrance gates. I tried shutting the gate but the soil which was fresh and wet had frozen solidly in the -6°C we had last night. Brute force did what brute force often does – it broke the gate, or at least it broke the hinge welding and now no chance of closing the gate. I can only remove it with a tractor front loader. Will try tomorrow to weld it myself although I am the world’s most incompetent welder.
Goes to show that a little, soft, sweet, harmless, blind mole can move mountains. So every Remoaner who feels overwhelmed - don’t resign to the “Just get it over with” rhetoric. Dig for victory.


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