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The weather is splendid today. It was just above freezing when we set off for our walk this morning but the sky was a brilliant blue and these Chinese Pistache trees were devoid of leaves but loaded with pepper type berries.

On our little road there were three huge trucks parked right on a curve, obscuring the view and forcing passing cars to edge by without falling into the ditch. The workers told us they were putting in a new support for the telephone pole, barely suppressing the eye rolling when I said it was too bad they weren’t putting them underground. Their standard responses were: 1) it costs twice as much, and when I pointed out that it didn’t save much when an entire neighborhood burned down,
2) we’re just the contractors

We have friends coming for dinner tonight and I have spent all day cooking what I billed as a ‘simple dinner’ of chicken Chile and salad. I shouldn’t have taken all day but I’m blaming it on Caroline who was zipping around my feet with mop and cleaning cloths. And talking a blue streak. Not that I’m complaining, mind you....

In fact, Caroline wouldn’t leave until the mirror was cleaned to her satisfaction, which required removing the wreath hanging on it. Now I have to find someplace else for the wreath..., since I can’t put it back.

The light of the setting sun on the trees is beautiful. The only problem is that it is only 4:30...and the temperature is beginning to drop...

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