
By AnthonyBailey

Peace Oil


...'Peace Oil is produced in Israel by Jews, Arabs, Druze and Bedouin working together. Grown in the foothills of the Carmel Mountains, the olives are pressed within hours of picking, to produce this prize winning extra virgin olive oil. Profits from Peace Oil are used to support peace and reconciliation work in the Middle East.'

...Christmas present from Margaret

...'Amos Oz, the leading Israeli author and a prominent advocate for peace between Israel and the Palestinians, has died of cancer at the age of 79.
...He was a longstanding advocate of the creation of a Palestinian state and in a 1996 interview said the only way to find peace was by establishing two states through "painful compromise"
...In recent years, Oz spoke out against the policies of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, shunning official Israeli functions abroad in protest at what he called the "growing extremism" of his country's government.'

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