Gitama's World

By Gitama


........Our Resident Dragon.

He is the most unusual colour that I have seen on a lizard....he blends in with the leaves perfectly......Ive just done a bit of fiddling to bring him out a bit.
I think this is the Mum...or Dad of the wee one that fell on Flynns head the other day...when he opened the front door......(the poor thing got so scared from the piercing shrieks from the boy).
I don’t think Beetle would bother them too much and Romeo is a house cat (cats and wildlife are a sore issues with me) but there is a large cat that wanders around called Brocky....he is mean when it comes to lizards....I am just hoping that Bluey and family stay safe.

Yes its perfect reptile weather and many snakes have been sighted....and we had a long skin hanging off our back steps...UGH!
Even though it is rather hot we seemed to of missed the heat wave that was forecasted for this week...thank goodness.

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