Stand alone

Not much is left over the fence. Plenty of piles of material either for recycling or the tip.

The remains of the cottage have gone. Just the old stove, inside toilet and bits of the fire place remain. Maybe I can blip the fireplace tomorrow. I'm glad I've done this series.




Today I biked to work in short sleeves. It was 22 degrees when I left home. The hunter tells me he can barely stand up outside at his place and it was 34 degrees earlier.

The dentist wasn't well so I'm the hook until the end of January. That didn't get me home any earlier. I had 2 punctures on the way home so was later than ever. The wonder is I don't get them more often. I'm about to check the tube I fixed. At least I didn't get cold.

It's a toss up between dinner and the supermarket. But we went to the Foo San for lunch today and the latter is a more desperate need.

Supermarket wins.

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