Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob


Yet another lazy day today (this whole break has been much needed and appreciated, I can assure you!), which started with me giving Black Mirror: Bandersnatch a whirl. Rich had already tried it last night and was a bit judgmental of my choices, haha!, but I thought it was fantastic! I'll go into why at the bottom of this post, as I don't want to ruin it for those that haven't watched yet. After a short burst of adulting (vacuuming, cleaning and sorting our DVD & Blu-ray shelf) we commenced Operation Lazy Arseholes, which consisted solely of watching TV, reading comics and doing puzzles! Bliss. Rich was also quite disturbed by my entirely too neat lunch of Boxing Day buffet leftovers.

BANDERSNATCH SPOILERS AHOY: What I really liked was how, the more you "played" and followed the story, the more you ended up, like the main character himself, realising that you actually only had the illusion of control the whole time. No matter what you choose, there's no way to give Stefan a truly happy ending (which is what I was trying to do for the most part, always picking the nicer or safer options), and oftentimes you're presented with options that are basically the same (i.e. Flush the pills or throw the pills away; either way you're not doing the responsible thing of taking them!) There are a bunch of dead ends and it only gives you 2 choices of where to try again from (unless you want to full on quit and restart). I very much enjoyed this fairly meta aspect of it.

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