Skip's Blips

By Skip

Sunday evening trail walk

Sunday morning I went to church as one does, or as this one does at any rate. Then daughter Becky and Marty came to work on our current project, painting the dining room and living room. We've lived in this house for more than a few years, and raised our family here, so a bit of renovation is in order. Apparently, houses, like people, need some attention on a regular basis! Becky is my consultant as she has a much better eye (than I do) for color and design.

Weatherwise, this was a beautiful day. I can't call it exactly warm. It was a WCR (Warm Clothes Required) day, but the sun came out in the morning and hung around all day, which is a fairly unusual occurrence here on the south shore of Lake Erie. So as evening rolled around, and before time for the Browns game, I said, "I'd like to take a walk. It's a shame to spend the entire day inside!" Bob and I recruited our neighbor Marti, and we headed to Chagrin River Park to enjoy the last minutes of daylight.  Today's extra pictures are two more from today's trail walk: Marti, trying out her new walking sticks and  Ollie, a baby rottweiler too cute to pass by without taking a picture.

PS: Additional pictures on my blog

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