
This being the last day of the year, I thought I would go down to my favorite spot in Carkeek Park and seen what new life might be in evidence.  I was pleased to see that, even at this time of year, there are signs of reemergence and renewal.  These are two examples.

It's hard to view the coming year with anything other than trepidation, as I anticipate that things here in the US will only get worse.  But I'm trying to keep my chin up and look for the good.  I make a resolution or two each year, but I'm not good at follow-through.  This year I think I will resolve to get a better handle on this ghastly distraction that has taken hold in my brain.  I need to find ways to remind myself that I stopped in the middle of something and get myself back to it, preferably not an hour later.  I need to do a better job of really paying attention in the moment and not let my mind wander so far away.  And I need to open myself up more to what's around me.  Wish me luck.

I want to wish a very happy new year to all of you,  and hope you will have love, joy and peace in the months ahead.

I had planned to use up all my many Extras by blipping photos I took this year that I didn't post.  I hadn't realized that, since it is already 2019 in Europe, I lost those Extras because the clock had been reset.  I have 99 Extras remaining for 2019, but I missed the chance to blip the 18 I had left for 2018.  This is not fair, I think.

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