New Year, New Word

The gloom of the world is but a shadow. Behind it, yet within our reach, is joy. There is radiance and glory in darkness, could we but see.  And to see, we have only to look. I beseech you to look!
Fra Giovanni Giocondo, 1513

Dear Diary,

Well, we are starting the year off in true New England fashion with a snow and ice storm that, again, has left me with no power.  The internet was off when I first got up but it is back on so I thought I would rush to post this before it disappears again.

I've chosen "Joy" as my word for the year.  It may seem strange given the state of the world but I let the word choose me and I stumbled across this quotation from Fra Giovanni Giocondo and it just resonated with me.  Despite everything we can find joy, even in the direst situations.  For me, it more and more comes in the little things of life, like the beauty of the natural world, a great piece of music, a cuddle from Emerson.  Yes, in 2019 I will try to live a joy-filled life the best way I can.

ps.  When I opened my new Tasha Tudor calendar for 2019, guess what quote was on January!  Take Joy!

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