Across the Solway

When our children were young and we lived in Bradford, we often used to go and visit Gordon's parents, and the rest of the family in Silloth, around New Year. Occasionally we would arrive on New Year's Day and find people at the house, still there from the night before, as they kept Open House for New Year's Eve and sometimes it was hard to get rid of some of the revellers. 

No such revelry this morning, as we made the most of a lovely day to go to the sea and ended up in Silloth, joining quite a few people walking along the prom. What a beautiful day with which to start 2019. 

(We think the post is to mark the end of the breakwater, but we're not sure. Gordon was even surprised to see it in the photo - funny how you live with some things and never really notice or question them.) 

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