
By chloeadarayan

Where Are You Headed to?

We go to different places everyday. Everyone of us. It can be as far as other continents or as near as our home kitchen.

The places we go to everyday, the paths we choose - defines our life choices. Our whole life is made up of a chain of choices. These choices becomes our path. Everyday, we have to make decisions, big or small, and continue along our path. Up to you to stop by and check what the vendor is offering, or if you're waiting for a friend. You can simply keep walking, or sit down and make a friend. For whatever reason this may be, this becomes your path.

The universe has a way of subconsciously telling you where you should be next. Do you know where you're headed?

[EDIT] The date on my post says 04 Jan. It should be 03 Jan since it's only 11:51pm as of writing. Or maybe I type too slow, I guess.

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