
So I allowed Mr W a night to sleep in the Puppy decision, very much hoping he would say yes, but expecting a no, and trying very hard to prepare for a no - but when the no came, I was overwhelmed with sadness which caught me totally unawares. 

I promised I wouldn't sulk when I asked Mr W to at least go and see her!

I had an hour before I had to let the puppy owner know. 

Mr W could then see how distraught I was, and it wasn't a spoilt brat kind of distraught. The only thing I can think it could have been was feelings of grief flooding back after loosing Bear. I was suddenly loosing another dog I hadn't even owned yet, but she already owned my heart. It made me realise how much I missed having a dog.

Mr W then cuddled me and told me to follow my heart before he went out. I then had 10 minutes to compose myself before I contacted the breeder to say we would like her.

Mr W then messaged me asking me for the pictures we took of our little girl yesterday to show a friend and to me that was a huge breakthrough and some kind of acceptance from him which was a huge relief.

I carried on being very emotional for most of the day and everytime I thought of Puppy, I cried! I have no idea why.

Mr W then said goodbye to his Audi. He too nearly cried as it was driven away (todays Blip). 

I had a ridiculously low offer on my broken BMW that I accepted as BMW needed it out the way and we did some car hunting, including a test drive with Skoda and a visit to Nissan.

We finished off the day at the cinema to try and relax but the film (The Favourite) was utter Shite and I came out feeling more stressed then when I went in!!!

Home now, trying to put my Number plate on retention and configure a Skoda.

Oh the stress!!!!

Thank you too to my lovely friends for your messages today. Feeling the love. xXx

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