
By Beewriter

The Ivy

I had my yearly check up on my new knee yesterday morning. Well, eleven months to be exact. All was Mr Shah wasn’t pleased to hear I’d fallen off my bike onto my knee or that I’d fallen off a lorry and banged my knee but I’ve assured him there will be no more accidents in 2019.

I left the hospital and raced to the pick up point in Bury. I hadn’t needed to race though as Audrey had hit a wall with the lorry as she left the garage. So four of us were picked up in the mini bus and I didn’t have to drive all the way to the session. We were in Accrington and started late, but we got there in the end. And...Audrey was fine so that was good.

I was glad of a lie in this morning. I eventually got ready then met up with Pat for a little jaunt into town. The Ivy had a fire last night and the footage I saw on FB looked quite impressive. It seems an outdoor heater was to blame and the fire must have just damaged the roof as it was open today. There were a couple of fire engines there but other than that I couldn’t tell that there had been a fire so I didn’t get a dramatic pic.

Pat was going to book afternoon tea at The Ivy for her birthday in a couple of weeks, but it was fully booked so we are going to the Cloud 23 in the Hilton instead. Let’s hope there are no more fires.

We had a mooch around and a cuppa before returning.

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