
By Madchickenwoman


Another grey day - time seems endless when there is no sun by which to tell the time.
I found these Tomatillo cases on the allotment - with one that had trapped the seeds inside. I wonder if the others which escaped will self seed on my plot - lots of tomatillos if so! 
I've decided to give Milkshake to my sister. It's no life for her being trapped upstairs with only occassional visits from me and no chance of sleeping on my bed at night. Her situation makes me sad and  stressed and the fear of the dog getting her is an additional worry I could do without. I'm disengaging from the fact she was Friends cat, originally she was her daughters boyfriends cat - she has had many homes in her life! Sister is excited and delighted, even though she's not a hands on animal person like me. I take after my grandfather who loved all animals and had no fear of even wild cats in our local animal wildlife sanctuary, sticking his fingers through the bars to tickle it! My sister takes after my dad who loved all my animals but didn't want any hands on experience! Sister has come to love my dogs and cats, to the point of doing their every bidding! Getting up to play ball with my first dog  first thing in the morning when I used to leave him with my parents and her for holidays! She will let Milkshake sit on her knitting and Oscar steal her handknitted socks! Milkshake will be able to sit on her head and purr all night and  will also have a huge garden to play in! I know she and sister will be happy - but oh I will miss her.
FatCat's leg is looking better, a little weight being put on it. She is quite happy to be left alone and will delight in the abscence of Milkshake! She's outlived my other two cats and dog so I imagine she will think it's just a matter of time till Oscar disappears! 

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