Moving Into The Unknown

By dvdlodi

Giant Burritos

Everyone could use a giant burrito at some point in life, I suppose.  To gorge on solo, to share with a friend (or two), to help weigh down a tipsy tripod. So many ideas I have right now.  Something about black and white photos that I've been attracted to recently.  I'm not good at the form, by most standards, but I do admire those who are skilled at the craft of B&W photography.  I'll work at it this year.  Blip will be the venue.  Sorry in advance to all those who shiver at the prospect.  Suggestions and tips always welcome.  First, I do need to stop taking photos while stopped at red lights.  Not the best practice.  Hoping my country can get its shift together this coming year.  More love, less hate?  Seems like a reasonable place to start.

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