Moving Into The Unknown

By dvdlodi


Michael and his dog Buddy have lived on the streets of Salem for eight years.  Michael is 49 and Buddy is 10.  A recovering alcoholic, Michael told me that he quit drinking five years ago on the advice of a doctor he used to see.  Numerous health problems, including sleep apnea, still go untreated because Michael has no health insurance.  Although he's tried staying in local shelters, Michael said "they're just too crowded and people steal from me.  I try to find places to stay that don't have so many rules, usually behind buildings and other quiet places." 

Michael and I talked for about 20 minutes and he graciously offered me the opportunity to take a photograph.  He told me that Buddy approved of me, so I must be okay.  He asked if I could share his story with others, especially our law makers.  Michael said he wants people to know he's trying hard to survive and just wants others to see him as a person, not a problem.  

I see you Michael, and I will share your story. 

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