
By atoll

Blackrod Cemetary Chapel

Very hectic day today paying the price for 3 days swanning-off working hard in the Isle of Man. I have essentially 2 days left to fit in a weeks worth of work, and a billion emails to catch up on to boot. That will teach me.

This then is a view of the beautiful Blackrod Cemetery Chapel up near Bolton and which intriguingly doesn't seem to be used that much, or even have a more ecclesiastical name (or not one I can source anyway). The picture is slightly off centre by the way, because I was hiding my own long shadow within the gate post's one.

Conscious I am also now way behind with my own blip reading and comments. This was largely due to being restricted by expensive Isle of Man data roaming charges. Now back in the land of free Wi-Fi I will try to catch up over the weekend as much as I can. Normal service will be resumed shortly, as they say.

No snow here yet, but boy is it is cold!

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