
By cerebum

Theres a dog here that wants serving

I love the way the dog is looking up as if he is the one being served. Black and white again I'm afraid. It was market day today and I have been trying to pluck up the courage to say "hey, can I take your picture". Ah well, maybe next week. I kind of committed myself to street. I had my trusty Pentax K3 and a 35mm chinon, nice lens BTW :), and I set off up and down Garstang High st. Wasn't very productive but there ya go. Tomorrow I am trying a lens I got for £5. Returning to the subject of dogs, my bailey has cataracts and is going deaf. This morning on his walk he lost sight of me and panicked. I didn't see which way he went and was in quite a panic by the time I found him. I now keep him close. Make sure you do the same. Not knowing where your dog is but knowing he is in panic mode is an awful feeling and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

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