Keeping going with the humans

Yay, still got some humans in my blip! But today's chosen photograph wasn't really about the human interest, but about an interesting perspective I got on the quad from the gallery in the north east corner, on the first floor. This is very close to my office, so I think I might take a few more blips from here in different conditions. The scaffolding on the south and east sides of the quad is there for some work to be done on the old building's sandstone.

First, yet another cycle to Portobello for the dentist. This time I saw a different dentist whose view is that we leave things alone for now and see how it goes. If I get another infection, well then, we'll have to see. I liked that attitude. There is, however, another filling to do elsewhere, so I will be back again at the beginning of February.

Then a day in the office, where I saw quite a few colleagues. Things are gearing up again slowly.

And finally dinner at Field with MK and LL, who are here from Brisbane via Berlin, and onto the Jazz Bar afterwards for more drinks and music. A fun evening. I'll spare you the photos, though.

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