Photographic Poeticisms

By TerryRhiannyr

Snow Nose

Mummy I've snow on my nose
My tongues all floppy and
I thinks my teeths is froze

I didn't snow was such fun
I slither and I slide
When all I want to do is run

My paws are a little bit cold
But I'm young
I'm never going to get old

I watched old Bobby from next door
Slipping and walking
He seems to move slower and slower

He often gives me a treat
A biscuit, a chew
Always something good to eat

I worry he might fall
Hurt himself, but I suppose
He needs to be careful, that's all

But he's safe now indoors
Keeping warm
All the snow wiped off his paws

So I'm going to run now and play
For the snow's
Going to be gone after today

Terry Rhiannyr
December 2012

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