Seeing the light

Anne picked me up at 7.30am and both of us are looking forward to the lighter mornings for our session at the Puffin Pool. Nice and warm today although we had to wait for the chemicals to be at the right level before we were allowed in the water.
Richard was there when I got back home so had a good natter with him.He had been for a long walk down one of the Glens the other day and had seen Golden Eagles,buzzards, deer and wild goats.
The car had it’s MOT and passed so we took it for a drive up to Cromarty and were treated by beams of light hitting these yellow platform legs that are standing in the Cromarty Firth.Tge rigs were lit up as well and there was a brief glimpse of a rainbow.
The harbour is being dredged at the moment , was not expecting to see any work in progress with the tide in but the digger was busy scraping the mud from the bottom .

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